The Real Life online is a community of people who pursue developing a relationship with God, get connected to teaching and disciple making resources, and establish meaningful relationships with others.

This space is designed to help connect with people who can't physically attend in person, for folks who've moved out of the area or for people who'd like to try us out virtually before walking in our doors. It will be easy to chat, ask for prayer, and invite others to watch a live service! See service times below and click the button below to check us out.

Service Times: Thur: 5:45pm, Sun: 8:00, 9:45 & 11:30am

Address: 1860 N. Cecil Road, Post Falls, ID 83854|208.777.7325

Live Service Team

Real Life online is represented across several social and web platforms, including here on our website, Facebook page, and Youtube channel. 

Each of our live services are hosted by volunteers and staff who are available to help you connect in many ways at Real Life. Be sure to drop us a note in the chat, we'd love to know who's joining us for a service and how we can best help you and your family get involved at Real Life Ministries.