Real Life Marriage Logo

Helping Marriages Succeed in Real Life. 


Looking to strengthen your marriage? Here at Real Life we offer a line up of different classes to help you and your spouse align your home with God's design.

Cherish Marriage Conference

Saturday, March 1, 2025

We are honored to host a Marriage Conference featuring Gary Thomas, author of Cherish, Sacred Marriage, and more.

The traditional wedding vows include “I promise to love and to cherish until death do us part.” Gary explores what it means to cherish our spouse and then spends several sessions giving practical suggestions. When a husband and wife know they are cherished by their spouse, it brings out the best in both of them. Discovering how to better cherish your spouse has the power to infuse your relationship with new hope and promise.


Getting married within the next year? Then it's the perfect time to take our premarital class, SYMBIS  (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts). 

Additional resources

Here at Real Life Ministries, we are passionate about guiding marriages to align their relationships with God's design for their home. Here are some recommended resources and helpful links.

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas

God, Sex and Your Marriage by Juli Slattery

Married Sex by Gary Thomas

Finding the Hero in Your Husband by Juli Slattery

When Sinners Say I Do by Dave Harvey

Real Life Resources: Various resources on a variety of topics

RIGHT NOW MEDIA: Studies, books, videos and more!

FAMILY LIFE: Online Studies & Printables

Contact: Jeani Waco, Administrative Coordinator
208-777-7325 x7136