Your financial support is what makes it possible to continue to minister to our community. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness in your tithes and offerings as we continue to reach the world for Jesus, one person at a time.

Ways to Give


The Real Life Mobile App

iTunes App Store Google Play Store

Text to Give:

Post Falls: 208-714-0026 (Text dollar amount, ie. 100 for $100)
CDA: 208-261-7473 (Text dollar amount, ie. 100 for $100)
North: 208-515-7441 (Text dollar amount, ie. 100 for $100)
Hayden: 208-328-5545 (Text dollar amount, ie. 100 for $100)


Electronic Banking / Mail

Real Life Ministries
1860 N. Cecil Rd., Post Falls, ID 83854
In memo or account field include Campus you attend (Post Falls, CDA, North, or Hayden) and your first and last name.


Bring it to the Post Falls Campus

We have a safe and secure way for you to drop off your donation at any time at the campus! At Post Falls we have a dropbox located in the front of the parking lot opposite the front doors of Building 1.